Hi, my name is Brock VaDeer.  I will be teaching K-12 PE, high school Health, and I will also be coaching Varsity Girls Basketball.  I have been teaching PE and Health for 13 years at New Dominion School in Austin, MN. I am passionate about bass fishing, basketball, coaching, and player development. I am married and have three children who also attend Lyle, Lilly (10th), Hunter (8th), and Hudson (1st) 
Current Class Schedule
8:10-8:55 9th Grade PE/Health
8:55-1:30 4th Grade support teacher 
1:30-2:20 10th Grade PE/Health
Create A Game
9:10-10 7th/8th PE
10:10-11 7th/8th PE
11:30-12 Advisory

Mr. Brock VaDeer
Physical Education

Lyle Public School
507-325-2201 x

Contact: Mr. Brock VaDeer