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Human Geography: Syllabus
Human Geography
Teacher: Mr. Brian Hagan
Teacher Contact Info:
Phone- School: 325-4611
Home: 437-1740
Course Description: Human Geography will be the study of the world around a student. The student will have a greater understanding of places, features, and cultures throughout the world. Student will also have a greater understanding of maps.
Grading Scale: A=100-93% A-=92-90% B+=89-87% B=86-83% B-=82-80% C+=79-77% C=76-73% C-=72-70% D+=69-67% D=66-63% D-=62-60% F=59-0%
Homework, Quizzes, Test: Students can expect to be tested regularly. Students will also have a final test at the end of the semester.
Late Work: All work that is not handed in on its due date is a ZERO. Students will have two days for each day of excused absences. It is the student’s responsibility to come to me to get all make up work. Parents should check my web site to see the daily homework and long term assignments.
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