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Weekly Agenda 4/06 - 4/09 /2020

Each day - ZOOM Meeting @ 8:30 - 9:15( Math), and 12:30 – 1:30

                   Zoom meetings is daily attendance. If Your child is not present, office is notified.

                   I will track students daily progress on SI, Redbird, MobyMax, XtraMath

                   Independent Read 20 minutes daily (students can take AR tests from home)
                   Redbird 20 minutes day

                    Study Island 1 math & 1 ELA

                    Xtra Math 10 minutes fluency

                    Moby Max assigned lessons

                    Daily journal write


Monday 4/06     Math Congruent Figures Ch14L#4 p11-14 (in class) NO HW

                                Complete last week’s Capstone readings on Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy –

 Take the AR tests on the 4 US President books

Capstone reading “Who Would Win” start to read this

Capstone reading “All About Matter

AgMag-Read p 4-5

Complete Study Island -The following objectives need to be completed by Thurs. 4-09

Math( 2007 standards )4Geometry 4.a,b,c,d

Study Island Math ( Common Core edition3) ..

6. Geometry 6 a, b, c, d 

 5.Measurement & Data 5 f, h, I, j

Tuesday 4/07     Math Symmetry Ch14 L#5 p 15-17 (in class) &
                            HW- Ch14 review p 943-945-due Wed.
                             Farm Visit -Goats
                             Science read Ch 5L#3 p.28-131 How are Length and Volume Measured?
                               (hand out is in folder & on elearning tab on my site)
                          Complete Study Island -The following objectives need to be completed by Thurs. 4-09
                           Math( 2007 standards )4Geometry 4.a,b,c,d
                            Study Island Math ( Common Core edition3) ..

6. Geometry 6 a, b, c, d 

 5.Measurement & Data 5 f, h, I, j

Wednesday 04/08 MATH Chapter 14review p943-945

                                Complete and submit check my progress assessment on math ebook


Complete Study Island -The following objectives need to be completed by Thurs. 4-09

Math( 2007 standards )4Geometry 4.a,b,c,d

Study Island Math ( Common Core edition3) ..

6. Geometry 6 a, b, c, d 

 5.Measurement & Data 5 f, h, I, j


Science read Lesson 4  How Are Mass and Density Measured? p. 134-137

Read about US President on capstone and take AR tests

Read p 6-8 in AG MAG

THURSDAY 08/09 MATH correct ch #14 review - Please take your math assessments on connected -
math ebook.
Complete reading on 4US Presidents -Take AR tests
Science -Density demonstartion-(in class ) you can do this on your own at home.
alka seltzer tablets are in your folder